Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

.30 , . The Baryen' F~-;-rree. Q_ What'/ if. a lkfatJ have no .Grace? · ..11. Yes; feeing· he h~th a Profefiion. ANd h~ came a11d [oztght Erttit [ thcre.on.J A Church then, and a .Profeffion, are ncL: Places where the vVorkcrs of lniqu~ty rnay '·h i d'e thernfelves and Sins from God. Sorne oi Old . thought, that b~'caufe they could cry, if he Tem- · plc of the Lord, the Temple· of· the Lord, that therefore they were delivered, or had a 'DifjJenfHion to do the A bomination·s which they conln1itted .; as fotne in ou-r D ays. For, -who, fay. they; ·have a Right to the Creatures; if not Chriftl.ans, if not Profeffors, if ~ot Church-Members [x J? .And from . this C0ncl'ufion ' let go the Reins of their inordin~tc .l\fiections after-Pride, An.1bitioV!, .Gluttonv, pan1pering then1· f~lves without Fc~n [J~J, daubing then1: felves with the L u~-prov?king ~afuions of the 1~irncs ; to walk with ftretched out Necks,- nakc:d Breafts,Jrizled Foretops, wanton Gefturcs, in gorg·eous Apparel, n1ixt with Gold and Pearl, and [xJ Jer. viii 4, .5, 6J 7~ ~c. ijy] Judc 1 z,