Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

The Barren f'ig-:Tre't. of you to !hew Favour to the barren Figtree; and if they f11ould perfaade_, your An(wer is irrefit1i ble, lt yi~ldl rne no Profit, it takes up room_, ·and doth 119 i'ood, } a befter maj g,row in its room. ' · Cut it down. Th.us when the "Godly atnong the Jews matie Prayers chat rebellious Jjrael n1ight not be ~aft out of the Vineyard (n) . what fe1 ith the Anfwer of God f ' Th'£. r~~ b ~Jofe s a'1d Sa. mne I ftuod b:fo re mt., ').,~t coultl not my Jvlind be toward1 tbiJ Pea-,. , pie:· U·he refore cafl t hl'm Ottt of my Prtf.nce, Pnd let t·bem go fort h ( u). Wha~ a Re folu ion is here ! 'Mofcs and Samuet ce uld do almoft any thing wich God in P~·a ycr. Ilow n1any T ifDe S did .. Mo~·,s by Pr8ycr turn ,av:ay G0d's J ud gments · ffom even Phar aoh him{df? Yea, ho"v n1(l ny 'li mes cl id he . by Pra ye r p ;·efe rve 1/r r~. l) wh en in th e \VHd ernds, fro tn th e Anger dll d ~J./r~Hh of Gcd (p)? s~­ m: e! is reckoned· excellen t this VV ay ; ye a, fo excellent, tha t whe n Jf·aelh?.d don.e r.hat fea rfu l T hing, as ro ' I ej etl: the Lord, and chufe then1 anoth er Kin g ; (1-' ) Jer . xiv. t7, 1,8, tg , zo.- (t') P.i.alm cv.i . l 3.· lbid xcix, 6. . he (o) Jer. xv. 1 .. •