Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

. The B._wren F'ig;-Tree..:- Word.. I ·will give thern Paftors after mitre 9.wn Heart, I ·will dt_tng them: You know !Yung1 is a mpre· warm, more fat, rnol:e · hearty, rnore fuccol1ring Matter, _ than is co.rnmon1 y the ·. Place in which ,...frees are planted. ' I ~ill dig aboztt it, and_dung it, I will bring it under~ an l-icart·aiuakeni1Jg I.\11 ini-' · itry, the Means ~ f Grace }hall. he fat, and ·good. · I, e~'ill _ alfo ' vifit it ·with Heat:C- a·wak.ening, . 'Heart- warming:> , I-:lear(- encouraging Conflderations ; { will apply warm Dung .to · his' ·Roots, 1 . will -£hive with hint .by · my Spirit (i); an.d give him fome Taftes ~of xhe Heavenly Gift, and the POV-(Cf uf the Y..,T orld to come (k). I am loth he fl1ould , be loll for ;val}t of Digging, Lo~d, ~et . it a-!o12e · tlds:Year alfa, until I jhall dig about it, and dung i[. .• . And if 'it bear ·Fruit, Well.~ "' · ...A\nd if th~ Fruit of alJ rny Lab:ou:: dot~ make rl1is F'ig tree frtlitful, I nna I co.unt tny ffirne, my Laboyr, and Means. well beft.o\vtd unon it ; and ·thou alfo., • ' ' .f .0 my God, i11<:1lt be therewith n1uch . · de· fi). Gen·. vi . l' , tk) Heh. vi: z,. 3..