Bunyan - R3329 .B37 1762

The Barren Fig-Tree. · thou hear, the Lord Jefus ftands yet in Dvubt _about thee! There is an [lf] lbnds yet zn the fVay. I 1~ly, the ,Lord Jefus ftands 'Jet in Doubt about thee, whether or rro, at bft tbo.u \Viltbe good~ . W_hether he m~ y not labou~ in vain, whether his 'Digging and· Duoging wiil , come to more than l0fi Labour. Iga"Ve her Space to rtpent,_ .ai/!ljhe repeHted not (o): 1 digged about it, I dunged it, I gained Time, and fupplied it with Means; brt I laboured herein in vain, ,a1:1d fperit my Strength for nought, and in vain. PoH: thou hear, ' Barren Fig-tree? There is yet a Q.uefl ion, whether it will be ·well u ·ith-thy Soul at l{t}l.~ 1 • And if not, then after that ibou ./halt ctt·t ' it down. ·- There is nothing more exafpera ting to the Mind of a MJn, -. than to find aU hisK,indnels and Favqur flighted: Neither i$ the L.ord Jefus/fo provoked wich any "rhing, as when Sinners abufe his I\1eans ' of Grace : If it be barren and fruitlefs untler my Gofpel ; ~ it turn (o) Rom. ii. n. my