Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

.)'\ !'OR YO U TH. 23 '\ XIII. Upa7t over-much Nicenejs. 'T I S firange to fee how over-nice are fome About their c1othes, their bodies and their horn~ i\Vhile what's of worth, they nightly pafs it by,, lNot doing it all, or flovcnly. , Their houfes mull well furnifh 'd be in print ; i\Vhile their immortal foul has no good in't. Its outfide alfo they mull beautify, MThile there is in' t fcarce common honelly. Their bodies they mull have trick'd up and Their infide full of filth up to the brim. [ trim : Upon their clothes there mufr not be a fpot, Whereas their lives are but one common blot. How