z8 DIVNIE EMBLEMS Myfelf is compafs'd with, as if I were, One of the chiefefl: courtiers that be there. Here lords and ladies do come round about me, With grave demeanour, nor do any flout me, For this my brave adventure, no, not they; 'They come, they go, but leave me there to ftay. Now my reproacher, I do by all this Shew how thou may'Il: poffefs thyfelf of blifs: Thou art worfe than a fpider, but take hold On Chrifl: the door thou !halt not be controul'd: By 'him do thou the heavenly palace enter; . None e'er will chide thee for thy brave adventure. Approach thou then ttnto the very throne, There fpeak thy mind: fear not, the day's thine own. Nor faint, nor angel will thee ftop or fiay, Bt1t rather tumble blocks out of the way. My venom flops not me; let not thy vice Stop thee; poffefs thyfelf nf paradife. Go on, I fay, although thou be a !inner, Learn to be bold in faith of rile a fpinner. This is the way true glories to poffefs, And to eujoy what no man can exprefs. Sometimes I find the palace door up-lockt, And fo my entrance thither has up-blockt. But