Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

fOR YOUTN. · COMPARISON. Our Legalifi is like this nimble top,, 'iVithout a whip, he will not duty do. Let Moles whip him, he will fkip an(i hop ; Forbea~· to whip, he'll neither !land not go. XXXIlL Upon the Pijmir~. MUST we unto the Pifmire go to fchoo1, To learn of her in fummer to provide, . For winter next enfuing? man·s a fool Or filly ants would not be made ~is guide. But, flugO'ard , is it not a fllamc to•· tLec, To ~e out-d~11e by Pifmires ? Pr 'ythe<: he:u·: F The. it . 5 .{