Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

70 Dl'VIN E EMB tl:M~ XXXIX. Upon a Loofiing-glqfi. I N this, fee thou thy beauty, haft thou any; Or thy d'efeas, fhould they oe few or ~any•. Thou rnay'ft ( toe ) here thy fpots arid freckles fee, · Haft thou but eyes, and what their numbers be. But art thou blind? There is no looking-glafs Can fhew th~e thy defects, thy fpots~ or face. € 0 M P .A. R l & 0 N .. Unto this glafs we may compare the word:, For that to man affiftar:1ce doth afford, (Has he a mind to know himfelf and ftate) To fee! what will be his eternalfate.. · But without eyes, alas! how can he·ft_!e ?' Manv that feem to look here, blind men' be. This ·is the reafon, they fo often read,. Their judgment there, and do it nothing dread. XL. Oj