Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

78 DIVINE EMBLEMS Yea, as for her, the day that {be was born, As Joathfome, out of doors thy did her caft; N aked and filthy, ftinking and forlorn: This was her pedigree from firfi to lafi. Nor w s fhr pitied in this dhte, A1llet her lie polluted in her blood : None her c ndition did commiferate, There was o heart that fought to do her good. Yet fhe unto thefe ornaments is come, Her breafl:s are fa fh ion'd, and her hair is grown; She is made heirefs of an heavenly home; All her indignities away are blown. ' Cafr out {be was, but now'fhe home is taken, Once fhe was nakt d, now you fee !he's clad; Now made the darling, though before forfaken, Bare foot, but t 0w, as princes daughters fhod. Infiead of filth, fhe now has her perfumes, lnfread of ignominy, chains of gold: lnH:ead of what the beauty mofi confumes, Her beauty's perfeEt, lovely to behoid. · Thofe that attend, and wait upon her be Princes of honour cloth'd in white array; Upon her head's a crown. of gold, and ihe Eats honey, wheat and 01!, from day to day. :For her beloved, he's the high'ft of all, 'The only Potentate, the King of kings: Angels