Bunyan - BR75 B88d 1793

publijhed by C. DILLY. 89 Drelincourt's Confolations againfr the Fears of Death, ss. Grofvenor's Mourner, 1s. 6d. Haweis's Evangelicai Expofitor; or, a Corn· mentary on the Holy Bible, trvo large vols. folio, 4!. 4s. . Communicant's Spiritual Companion, 12.mo. 1s. 6d. ---- Sermons, 1 zmo. gs. -----Familiar and Praaical Improvement of the Church Catechifm, 2s. Hervey's Meditations, 2 vol. cro:wn; . 8vo. 6s . Anot11er Edition, fmall Letter, in one vol. 1 ~mo. 3s. Jenks's (Benj.) Devotions, 3s. 6d. ,___ on Submiffion to the Righteoufnefs of God, zs. ]ones's (the late Rev. Thomas) Works, with a recommendatory Preface, by Wrn. Rornaine, 8'vo. 5~· Milton's Paradife Lofr, with Te xts of Script. by Dr. Gillies, 12mo. 2s. 6d. :Milton's