Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

90 . Grcice a!Jouncling ~ I94· Bnt before many weekswere over I beg8.n to c~1 pr;nd again,fearing leaft,notwi~hftan~ing all that I had _enjoyed, yet I might be deceived, a ~ d deftr yed at the lafl:; for this conGdera tion can1eH:rong into tny mind. That 'lt{hatever COYi~(ort andpeace I thought I might have from the wordo_f tfi:: Pr"mife of L~fe, _yet unle(s there _ could be.found in m_y refrefhment a concu~rence"'nd a~;reernent in the Scriytl-tres,let me think what I wtll thereof, and hold it never fo faft._ I Jhould find no fuch thing At ~he end, for the Scrip· ~ure cannot be broken, john I 0. 3)· 195~ Now began my heart again to ake; and fear I might tneet with difappointment at the l~ft. Wherefore I began· with all feriouf .. nefs to exaa1ine -tny former comfort and to confider whether one that had finned as I had done, might with confidence trufr upon the faithfulners of God, laid down in thofe words l}y which i: bad been comforted; and onwhich I had leaned my felf: But nuwwerebrou6ht ~hofe fayings to rny mind. For it is impoffible for thofe who were once enligh~ned, and have t~- fl-ed the He~tvenlyGzft, andn:ere made _partakers ofthe Holy GhoJJ and have tafted th1goodJ!Vord. ofGod and the Powers of the World to come, If they ]ball fall away to renew therr; Again Hntl lt· pentance, Heb. 6. For if tve fin rvilljully, after we have received theKnowledgeofthe Truthlht~e rem~ins no m~re facri.fice for fin, but a cert ,;m . featfullookin~; .for 1udg·dment andJtery indignA· t~·on, whichjbNll devour the .AJverfaries,Heb.l ()· . _ . .Ert·cn '