Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

9~ Graci alou11ding, Difcourar;e1nent, yet to rnc, who feared this condition would be ~ternal, tbey were 4 'Jt ·fometin1es <:tU h~lp and refrefbment to me. 200. For, thought I, 1nany day.r are not for .ever, rJtany da)'S vviH have an end ; therefore feeing I was to beaffiicred,not afew, but many . dttys, yet I was glad it was but f~r ma~y days. Thus I fay, I .could re-call my fejf fometimes and give n1y felf an help; for as foon as ever the ·words carne into my mind, at firfr,I knew my trouble would be long; yet this would be but fometimes, for I ~ould not always think ·t'>D this,nor ever be helpedby it,though I die. 20 1.Now wbile thefe Scriptures lay before me, and laid fin anew at mydoor, rhat faying in .Luke r s·. 1. with othG.rs, did encourage me to prayer : Then the l"'emptet·· again laid at me very fore ; fuggefting, That neither the Mercy ofGod,nor_:vet the Blood ~fChr~{l-,didnot at all conce·rn me,rtor cor-tldthey htlpme for r11y fin; therefore it was zn 1./ain to pray. Yet, d1ought 1, 1 rvill p;·ay: Bt~.t,[l'id theTempter-Jour fin is un· • p'araonable.Well,faid·I,I tl'ill pray. Tis to no boot, . faid he. Yes, f1id I, I will pray. So I went to prayer to God ; ,and while I was at prayer, I uttere>d \<Vords totbis effecr;Lord 1 Satan tellsme thttt netther thy lv.fsrcy,nor- Chrifl's Blo.od is fuffi-; t·ient to·fave m_y Soul:Lord,jhall I honour t~ee moft, ~) believing thou wilt a~ui canft! or him, ,by be-– lie'7Jing thou 'Jje£ther wilt nor canj1?Lord, I wottld fain honour · thee,~y believing thott wilt and canfl. ~o2.And -as I \:vas thus before the-bord,that Scripture fa!lned on my heai t~[O man great is