98 . Grace abountlin'-~ qt1eftion,Whether the Scriptures could agre( in the falvatu;n of my Soul ? I quaked at the A– po11les! I knew their words were true, and that they mnff: frand for ever. · 213. And I remcmber,one "ay')as I was in divers frames of Spirit.. ~nd contidering that .thefe frames were frill according to the nature ofthe feveral Scriptures, that cdme in upon hl. .Y n1ind,if this of Grace, then ' I was quiet ; bl1t if that of Efati, then torn;ented. Lord, thought I, ifboth thefe ScriptureJ rpouhl mat in 7nJ heart tzt rnce, Iwonder 1 rrhi'"h ofthem n'ould · /:it r!Je better ofnzi.So me-. thought Ihad a long·• ing n1ind thar they n1ight'~on-1 .e both together · upon n1e, yea, I defircd oiGod they n1ight. .2 r4· _vVeB., ,about two or three days after, · fo they did indeed,they bolted both upon rne at a t.itnc,and did work and Rruggle frrange- · lyin rne for a while, · at laft, that about E[ats' s Birtb-right began to ·wax weak, and \Vithdra\>V and vanifh; ao{l this about the ftffici~ncy of G,race prevailed, with peac_e ' , and joy~ And a. ~ I was in ;1 f\·1ufe about tl11s thing, that Scripture c~n1e home upon me, · lt-fer~y rejoyceth a.._'l;ainft J;u/gment, Jam~ 2. I 3· 2 I 5· ·This was ;a \Vonderrnen t to tne,yer, tr·uly, I am apt to think it was of God, for the ttrord of the Lavv 3nd vVrath tnnft.give pla(e to the .\ Vord of Life and Grace; 'bec~n1fe, I , though the \Vord of Condemnation be glori~ · ons, yet the \Vord of Lifeand Sal,vatio.p do.th far exceed in glory, 2 Cor .3.8')9;ro, I r. Mar. 9-'