to tiJe Chief of Sinners: 99 9.5, 6, 7.Joh. 6. 37.Alfo that Mofes and Elias mufl: both van,illi·; and leave Chrift and his Saints alone. · 216. This Scripture alfo did now moft' · fweetly vifit n1y Soul; And him thllt t()" ' .· me I rvill in no wt'[c caft out.Oh')the con1fort tha_~ · 1 had fron1 this word,in nq wife ! As '.N ho · !hould fay ,by po metJtns,for nothing, whatever he hath done•.But Satan would greatly labour lopull this pron1ife fron1 me~ telling of n1e, T'hat Chrift did not mean tne,and fuch as I; but · JinnerJ of a lower r~tnk,that ht~dnot done as I hacl done.But I ihonld anfwer him again, Satan, here is in thefe words no fuch cxctpti·on; bJtt him · that comer,him, any him:-- Him that cometh t~· ~ r~Je,I wilt in n~wife . caft out. And .this I wcU rememher frilJ, that all the flights ,that Satan.--·~. ufed,to take this Scripturefron1 Ine,yet he ne__,, ver did fo n1uch as put this Qtteftion.Bttt dO> youco~e aright ?And I have thought~the rea· fo).t was,be~aufe he thought l knew fun well :.~:. what con1ingaright was;for I faw that to cnn1e · aright,was to come as I was_, a vile at1d un– godly finner,and to caft my felf at of- :·.· Mercy~corrden1ning my felffor fin.If ever .Sa– tan and I. did firive for any word of Gcd in,_.. an my life,it wa_sfor this good word ofchrift.; . })eat one end, ~nd I at the other: ..Oh;:. wha t · work did we make! It was for. ths i ~ :Jahn, I. · fay,that We did fo' tug and !lrive? He pul1ed? . and I pulled ; but,God be-·.praiferl , 1 got f1e · be~r of him, I .gpt fome .. fweeHle s fron1 · t .. . E. ~o,. ..., L,_, , Rn I" . ;J.'tc4 J • ~ *" ..>