Grace Abounding TO TH· E Chief of. SI N.N E.R S :· .OR, A brlef Relation of the exceed ing 1\fercy of - · G.od in Chrift, to his poor Servant,· John lrrmjan. · I~ thismy Rel:ation of the me~"cift:I Work..;. · tng of God upon m-y Sonl, It w1Hnot be~· amifs,. if, in the firft place, I do, in a fe\V Words, give you an Hint of my ·Pedegree,. and In'anner of. bdnglng up; and thereby the Goodnlers and Bounty of GoC. towards– me n1ay oe-,,.t'he rnore advan~ed and magnifi ed before the Sons of Men. · · 2 ·. ·For my Defcent-then, it was, as is well known by many, of a low and inconfiderableh Generation; myFather's Houfe b~ing of that· Rank that is tneaneft,-and n1qfr defpifed ofall. the Families in the Land. \\7herefore I have n'ot here, as others to boaft of noble Blood,or of an high born State, according to theFlefu,; .. tho, all things dlnfider'd, I nragnifythe H-e"'!'*· 'Vtnly ·Majdfy,for that by this Door he brought me into this Wot~ ld, to partake o { the Grace, ;and Life that is in C~rift by .the Gofpel. · . 3· But yet, notwttbfl:~ndln~ the meanne)s . and. inconfider~bl.enefs of_myParents,it pleaf"".. ed ~od to put lt Into. thetr Hearts, to pt1t me A 4 t9, (