Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to tb~ Cbief of Sifinerr~· ,: I ct~ · would at la.11: defpife them.;Gen.so:t5;I6; &c. . 2 r 9· Yet, above all the Scrip~ures that I ~.-r!l did meet vvith,that in ')ojh.2o.was the g,reat~ft comfort to me,whieh fpeaks ofthe·f1;1 ycr that · . was to flee for refuge ~ And if tf.~ apeng§):.. af blood pur{ne the Jltryer ~th(;n,faith .lvfo(es-lke) that - ·are the ElJer.11J{ the c-ity ~f refuge jhrzll nQt _dt:fi- · ver hhn into his ~Jand, b r:cat"_{c he frnut'r his neigh– bour ur, wittingly,and ha,~ed hirJi not tt(ore- tirne/ Oh,bleiTed be God f9r this word :I was cvn~ · vinced tha t I was the SlJyer ; and that the 4-venger of Blood purfiH~d n1e., I felt with '· great t e r ro~1r ; only no\(.,r it _ren-1ained, that I ; enquired wh ether I ,have right to ent~:t- the Cityof Refuge : So I fo ~.1nd.., th1t he mui~ not,-· wh; lay in w~u t to jhed Blo,od:It was not tl1e\vil– f ullv1urtheler ., b dt be who unwittingly did it ~ , he w,ho did it UBJWares; not of fpight, or·– grudge, or malice-; he that fhed it unwittingfy, , even he ~ho did not hate hi; neigl/,;our be... fo te~ vVhe!·efore, , . · 220 .. ·1 thought verily, I was the 1n1n thatt – mull enter,becaufe I had fn1itten· my Neigh~ bour ltnWitt iPgly,and hated him nor afore~time I h~ted hin1 not afore-time;no~ I prayed unto . him,was tender of finning againfthirn ; yeo, and agai,nftth_is wicked temptationlh1d .ffrove.-. for a twelve n1onth betore;yetiand alfo,when it did pafs through myheart, it did in ~0 ight. of my ~feet!1 .~wJlerefore I t lwught l_had right . tC? enter this Ctty,anq the El.ders,w hid1 are . the, i\ poftles, were not _to dc:liver _n1e up.". 1"~his