Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

104 Gr~:;ce abounding Firft, I coufeffed I was fallen, but not fallen . fl".vay, th,1t is fron1 the profefi1on df Faith in Jefus unto Eternal Life. · . · Secondly, I confefled that 1had put Jefhs Chrifr to fham3 by my fin, but not to open Jhc:zme, I did not deny hin1 before Iv1en, n·1r conden1n hitn as a fruitlefs one before the vVorld. '1-hird~y, Nor did I find that God had fhut me -ui;, or denyed me to con1e (th_ough I fou nd i t hard work indeed to cotne) to him -~ l~y f()rrow and rep~ntance: Bleffed be God for nnfcatchable Grace. . · 22) :T'heh I confidered that in the tenth of the Hebrews; and fourid that the rPi~{tJl fia - there m::iitioned. i-;. not every wilful fin but tbat ii rt which doth tbrowoffChrifr,and then l~is Con1n1Jndn1ents too. Secondly, l'hat n1uit altr) be done openly, before (\VO or thnze 'vVitnefT~s,to ~nfwer that of the Law ,'V er(. 2 8. _Thirdly, ~J;his fin cannot be con1mitted but wlth grea~ defpite done to the Sp~rit of Grace; defp\ ling both the dilfvVafions from · that fin, an_d the -perfwafions to the co~trary. But.the Lord know~, though this my·un was devili!h, yet it did no~ an1ount to thefe. 226. And as touching that in the ~welfth of the 1-.lebrews,about E(au's fi.J:}ing his Birth– right, though this was that wl1i~h killed me, and ftood like a ~fpear againft me;. yet npw, I . ' did confider, Firft, 1"hat this was not a h~uty . · thought agai_nfl: a contin~1al labour oi tis ' Mind·