Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

I 10 Gr,zce {lboundin.~ mtnt ~f his Porrer·, pra}fe hint for hi J mighty .AflJ, Pra~(e hirn according to t;is excd!tnt 1 GrevttnefJ., Pf.tl. I )0. I, 2. 237 HJvir1g thus in fev words given you .a tafl:e of the forrow and affliction that my Soul went under,by tl1e guilt and terror that this tny wicked thought did lay me under; and having' given you alfo a to-nd1 of my de– li veranee therefrom, and of the fweet and hleffe,d,con1fortthat I tnet \viqJ- afterwards, · (which colnfort dwelt about tWelve nw'i1tbs \vith tny Heart,' to my unfpeak,al~dmira. . tion) I will now (God .willing) before Ipro.. ceed any fnrther, .give you in a word or two,_ What, as I coltceive, was the caufe of tliis,. temptatioil ; and alfo after -tnat, whatad:. . vantage at the lafl: it became un~o my Soul. . 238.For the cau~s, I conceived they w,ere principally two; which two alfo I was deep· ly convinced all the ·time this troublelay up· .on 'me. The firft was for that I did not, w·hen. · I ·~a) delivered from the temptation- tQlt \Ve;i-lt before,fti.{l pray to God to luep ·me-from. 'tcrnptatio" tht~t were to -co:rn,e; for though, as·l can C-1y in trinh, my Soul was mgch ia Pray· ~ er before this Tryal fcized tne. Yet then I J}rayed on.ly,- or at the mofr, principally, for the renloVJl ofprefent troubles, arid for frefh d ifc0veri es ofhis love in Ch r,ift;which I f1 w afterward.s was not enongh to do; I alfo ~ould have prayed)that the great God would keep n1e frGm the evil that was to come. . 2