Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

I I 2.. _ 9r~-1ce ab;ta:.ding and been delivered of an untimely Birth: Now at this very ·time it \Vas, that I hJd been fo fl:t ongly tempted to queflion the Being 0f · ·Cod ; wherefore, asn1y \Vife lay crying by 111 e I fa id., but withal fecrefie im<;lginable, even thir}king in my f.-Ieart, Lordi(thouwi!t now Ycnzove thiJ[ctd ttffli8:ion frommy.Wife, and caufe thatjl1e be troubled no nzore thererrt'th this )\light(and no1.v ·were her pangs jnfl: upon ·her) the'! fha!l I kno1V, that thott canft dijccrn the moft fccret thoup;ht.r oft he Heart. · , . .242 •.1had no fooner fa id it i.tl n1y Heart,. but her pangs were taken from her, and lhe \vas cafi: into a deep fleep, and fo continued till Morning, at th1s I greatly marvelled, not knowing what to think; b~Jt after I had been aWake 3 goo'd \V : ! l~e, and heard her cry" flO more, I fell to fleep alfo; fo when I \vaked in , t,he Mornjng,itcn11e upon n1eagain,even whJt I had[1:id in n ·~ y reart the laft Night,and 'how the Lord hath ilievved me that he knewmy fe– cret Tb_onghts~ wh i ~I1 was a great afronifhn1ent unto n1e for feveraLweeks after. . . \ 243. vVelJ, about a year and ha If after~ \Vards,that wi·cked finfull thought, of which I have fpoken l;efore,\vent thoro\v rny wicked h~·art, even this thought, Let CiJnfr go if he lVi!l ; fo when I was fallen poder gnilt for . this, the rernetnbrance of n1y other thought, ·and of the effect thereof,would alfo come up· on .me with this retort,which alfo carried re– buke alongwith it, f\lowJOlt mayfee that God "' .tht h1;: 'w t ke n oft fccrtt thoughts of the Heart.