to the Chief nf Stnners. 117 253· I never faw thofe heights and depths i'n Grace and Love, and ·Mercy, as I faw af– ter this ten1ptation! Great Sins do draw out great Grace; and where guilt is moft terri– ble and fierce,where the Mercy of God in Chrift, when fhewe~ to tbe Soul, aP.pears _ tnoft high and mighty; when Job had paired through his Captivity,he had twice as much as he had_bcfore,job 42.1 o.Bleffed beGodfor ]efus Chrifr our Lord. I\1any other things I might J1ere make obfet vation of, but I would . be brief, and therefore fiuJl at this thne omit th(m, and do pray God, -t hat my banns may n1ake othersfear to offend, leaft they alfo be made to bear the Iron Yoke as I did. . . I had two or three times, at or about my deliverance frotn thi~ ten1ptation,firch ftr~nge apprehenfions of the Grace of God, that I could hardly bear up 'under it, it was fo out ~f rneafurc,when I thought it could reach tne, that .I do think, if that fenfe of it - had abode long upon me,it would have 1nade . me unca~a·ble for bufine(~. 2) ·4· Now I fhall go forward to give you a relation of other of the Lords dealings with. me, at fundry other feafons., and of the ten1ptations I then did· meet withal.I Chall be– gin with what I· met with vvhen J, firft did joyn in fellow !hip with the ~eople of God in Bedford. After I had propounded to the Church, that my defire was to wall< in the Or– der and Ordinances ofChr ift with t'hem,and , F 2 wa:s