Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

Grace Ab()unding wasalfo admJttcd b~ them: While I thought of that blefled Ordinance of Chrift, which ":as ~is laft_Suppel: with his Difcipl~s before · Ius death, that Scripture, Do this in rtmem– hranceofme, Luke 22. I 9· was made avery precious word unto me: For by it the Lord didcome down upon my Confcience with the · ~ifcovery of hh death for my fins and as I then felt,did as if he plunged n1e jn the veT– tue of the fame. B.ut behold, I had not been long a partaker at that Ordinance, but fuch fierce and fad tetn,Ptations did attend me at all times d1erein, both ,to blafpbeme the Or– dinance,and ·to wifu fome deadly thing to thofe that thendid .e3t thereof: 'I'hafleaft I fuo11ld at any time 'be guilty of confehting to thofe wicked and fearful thoughts, I was forced to bend my felf ~n the while to pr:1y to God to keep me from fuch Blafphemies: and ~lfo to cry to God to blefs the Bread and Cup · to then1., ~s it went from Mouth to 1\llouth. The Reafo·n of this ·ten;ptatioti I l1ave , thought fit1ce, was, becaufe ' I ~id not with that reverence as became me at firlt,:Jpproach to partake thereof. · 255· Thus I continued for three· quarters of ·a Year, a11 d could never haYe rcft !lOr e:1fe: But·at the laft the Lord came in npon n1ySoul with the fa,me Scripture,~y 'fJ hieh my Soul was vifited before : and aftlr ·that, I J1ave 'been uf:.1ally very well and ,Comfortable jn the partaking of that bld1d Ordinance, and