Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

i10 Grace Abounding · was I fick in my inward man, my Soul w·as clog'd \Vith guilt; now- alfo was al1 my for– mer experience of God's Goodrnefs to me, quite taken out of my mind, and hid, as if they had never been, nor feen : Novv was my Sou f greatly pi need between thefe two confi· derati0ns.Li·ve I m1t(/ not,Die I dare not. Now I funk and fell in n1y fpirit,and was giYiJJg up al1 for loft; but as l was ·walking up and down in the houfe as a man in.a mofl: woful State, that Word of God took hold of my heart.1~e arejuft~fied freely by his 6rac_e,throt'th the Redemption that is.in Chrift Jifus,Rom.324. But oh what a turn it n1ade upon n1e! ' 159.Now was I as one awaked ou~ of fome troublefon1 fieep and dreatn ; and ~iftning to this Heavenly Sen tence,, I was as if I heard it thus expounded to me; Sinner, thou think· · 1 eft that becaufe of thy Sins and Infirmities, r ·. c.;:nnot fave thy Scul ; but behold, my Son is by me, and ttp~ZI him I ld;k, llnd not on thee, and detll with thee according as I 'tJm pleafed with him.At this I was greatly .lighti1ed in my . Mind, and made to underltand that God could juftifie a finner at any time,it was but bis lookinguponChrift,andimputing ofhis1?c– nefits to us,and the work was forthwirhdone. · ~6o. And· as I \vas thus in a mufe, that Scriptu're alfocan1e with great power upon :my Spirit, Nrt by wor1s of Righteoufnefi th!tt we have t&ne, but ttccordin( to his Mercy he bath[vrved IJJ-, &c.z Tim x.9. Tt"t 3• 5· Now