Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to jhe Cl;ief of Sirzners. ra.l \Vas I got on , high) I faw n1y felf within the Arn1s of Gra~e and Mercy, and though I vt~as b~fo r e afr.aid to think of ·:t dying hour, yet now I cried, L tt me die :Now de~th was lovely and /beautiful in 1ny fight, for I G,.v we.{hall never live indeed till fl1·e be gone tl) the (lthcr ~Vorld. 0, me thought this Life is but a f1un1 ber, in cotnparifon of that above; at this time alfo I fa'N tT1o.rc in thefe words, . J-leirs of God. (Rom•. 3. I 7.) then e'ver I Jball – be able to exorefs \-vhile I live in this World; - i -' • Heirs of God! God hiinfelf is the Portion of the Saints. This I· fa\v and wondered at ·. but cannot tell you what 1 1 faw. . . 26r. Again, as I was at ar~other time very ill and weak,all that time alfo the Tempter did befet me frrongl y(for l · find he is tnuch ~ for affaulting the Soul, when it begins to ap-– proach tovvards the Grave? then is his -Op– portunity) labouring to hide from me my · former experience of Gods Goodnefs: Alfo fetting before me the terrors of Death, and . t~1e · Judgment of God, infomuch, ·that at this time-through my fe~r of ;n1ifcarrying .· for e'ler (fhould I now die) 1was as one dead before Death cam·e, and was as if I had felt - n1y felf already defcending into the Pit; me.. thought, .I iaid, there were no way but to - Hell I tnufi: ~ but behold, ju·fi: as I was in the .; tnidft of thofe fears, thefe words of , the An- ,. ·gels carrying L~z..arus into AbrahllnJS Bofom, .. darted in ~pon m.e, as who ibo.:u_ld fay, So it .· F .4 : , Jh!ll~.