Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

12, 2, Gract A /;uunding. Jlut!l be . with tl1ee., whett thott dos1 le~v~ thiJ World. This did fweetly revive my fpirit, and help me to hope in God ; V.l hieh when I llad ·with comfort mufed on a w·hile, that wor~ fell with great _weight upon my mind, 0 death, where is thy .ftinJ, 0 Gr~tve, whete is · thy Piffory? 1 Cor 1 S· 55· At this I became both well in body and mind at once, fiJ r my ficknefs did prefently vanifh,and I walked . (omfortably in my \Vork for God again. 262. At aQother time, though jufr before, I w~~ pretty well and favoury ~n my Spiri1 . yet fudclenly there felJ upon n1e a great cloud ofdarknef~, whieh did fo hide from me the things of God and Clirift,that I was, as if1 . had never feen nor known thern in n1y life: I was alfo fo over-run in PlY Soul with a fenfe– lefs, heartlefs frame of ·Spirit, that I could not feel my Soul to move or ftir after Grace ' ~nd J.,ife by Chr~P; I was as if my loyns were broken, or, as if my hands a11d feet had been tied or bound \Vith Chains. At this time nlfo I · felt fome weaknefs tofeize upon' my outwar.d tnan, ·whieh rnade frill the other afiH ~l· on the n1ore heavy ~nd uncon1fortable to me. · 263 )0 After I had been in this condition fame three or four days,as;I was fitting by the fire; 1fuddenly felt this wora to found in my Heart,/muft go ta.]efus at this n1yformerDark11efs and Atheifn1 tied away, and the bleffcd I ~ things of Ii~aveo were fet within my view. \Vhi le I · was vn this fudden thus overtaken ·-· \ with