to the Chief of Sinners~ I 2 3 with fur prize; \Vife, faid I,is·there ever fuch . a Scripture,/ muft go to Jefus? fhe fa id, .ibe. could no.t tellJherefore I fat mufing fiill to . fee If I coul~i remen1ber fuch a place; I had . n0t fat above two or three tninutes:lbut that . ca1ne bolting in upon rne,And to·an:innttmertt– ble Cornpa~y· of Angtls; and withal, Hebrews the tw·elfth, about the Mount Sion·was . fet before ·n1ifie Eye5,Heb. r 2.22.,23,24. 264. Then with Joy I told my Wife, 0 n-r;w 1 ~now, I know! but that night was a good night to n1e, I never had but few bet• ter; I longed for the company of fome of God's People, that I might have imparted unto them vt~ hat God had Jhewed tne: Chriit was aprecious Chrift to n1y Soul that N.. ight, .. 1 could fcarce be in my Bed for Joy, and Peace, and ..frhnhph, through ·Chrif:::; this great glory did not continue upon n1e U.ntil , Morning, yet the twelfth of tbe author ·to 'the · Hebrervs •. l2. 22,23.wa~ a bleffed·tQ n1e for 111any days together after this. 26 5. T_be Words are thefe, To?t are -come ta. ·M9unt Sion, to the City tf the living God, to thl Heaver~ly Jerufa1em, aNd io an z·nnvtmerable. ,– company of .An~e!J, to tht general .Affi.mbly and Chttrch of theftrft born whi€h dY( written irt llt~Vtn,to God the 1udge of all, ~nd to the Sp~' t:.s of juft Men madep~ rfefl, and to ]ejiu th~.{Vf~· liiator ~fthe New Teftament, and to-the bloo.dof fprirJiing, that fpe~:ktth be_tt er ·thing.s ,than that ofAbel. Therow thL ble1Ted ·se.ute.n.ce, the ' · -- -·--- -- F ·- - .. · · Lord . -