Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

I '-4 Grace A6ouncling Lordlead nle over 1nd over,firft to this word',, and then to that't and' fhewed' me wonderful .glory 'iri every.one·· of them. 'Thefe words alfo l:tave oft fince~· this titne been great .re– frelb tnent to· my Spirit. Bleffed be God fo·r having merc~r-on: me., A ·!Jtief -Account of the Authors Call ·to·· .the;Work .of the· Mini/ity .. ' 2.'66., A· ND nov l arn fpeaking n1y Ex– . - , .. -.. perience,l will in this place thruft· in a .wor'J ori two concerning my Preaching the Wo rd, and of God's dealing with me in that p-1rticular alfu :.For after 1had been. about five or fix years awakened,.and helped my f el f to fee both th<~ want and worth of J~fu ~ Chrift otlr Lord, and alfo_inabled to-· venture iTIY Soul upon hi tn : Some of the moft able among the Saints witnus, I fay, the moll: a4le for J adgt~1ent, and .Holinefs of Life, as they conceived , did perceive that God had c;ounted me worthy to underftand _fornething:of llis W ill in hi~ holy and bldled Word, a.tld had given 1ne· ncte.rance in fome · meafure to expre!S what I faw, to others for ·' ~dificat.iun; therefore they de·li~ed me and th1t .with tnuch ~arneftnefs, that I would -be wil·Hng 'at for:1e times to take in hand,in one ,:of !he Meetings, to·fpea~ ~ wor~ of Exhor– taUOij unto thCllls . ··