Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to::.the' Cl1ie[ ()f 'StnnetJJ·"· . I 2.; .~· 267. The which, though at the .firft it did much .dafh and abafh my Spirit, yet being ftill by thetn defired and intreated, I con– f~nted to their requeft,.and did twice at t~vo f~\reral Affen1blies ( but' ia private) though with milch weaknefs and infirrnjty 1 difcover m,y. Gift among thetn; at vJ1ich they · ot . only feemed to be, but did foletnnly prot.eft, as i~ the fight of the great God, they vvere .: both affefred and. comforted ·., and gave .· thanks to· the Fathe.r.of Mercie~ for .the grace .· be.frowed -on me-. , 268. After~ this,-·rometimes when fome. of .- .. them did go into the Country to teach, they ... , would alfo that Ifhonld go with them; where _though a~ yet I did not, nor du,rft not, make ., ufe- of my Gift in an. open. way., yet .n1ore ,_. privately frill, as I came 1n1ongfi: ~-th~ good · People in thofe places, I did fo1netimes fpeak ··~ a word of Aqtnonition unto the)ll alfo ; tbe : which ~hey as th~ other, received with re- ·_ joycing at the Mercy of God to me w·Jtd, . profeffing thei.r ·: Souls were edified thereby. : · · 269.Wherefore,. to be brief, at lafr., being : ftitl de fired hy th.~Church, after fame folenlrl · · 'Prayer.to the Lord'jwith fafling, I ~V.!5 more . . parti~tllarly calJed fortb,anc appointed to a., , lbore ordinary and . publi.d~ Preachir~g the ,.. Word, not only · to, and amongfl:-, the1n, that~believed, but alfo to offer the Gofpel to thofe ,'. that had not yet received the: Faith thereof; ~~~~~ !':~~'!! ~~~1~~! ~!~ ~v!q~J!tly~~d in ~dy ...·· iv11n ~ _.._ I.,J •'~