Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

t~·i ounc!ing wre_~ch that 1am! ) and·c?unc me God's in– ftrtun~nt that fhewed . to then1 the way. of. Salvauon. . · ~27 5. \Vher-efO're ~ feehi~ then1 in boththeir .wo_rds and deeds to be fo cqnfrant, and alfo it1 their H ~--.; ··ts Co_e1rnefi:ly preffing after the kno·wledge .ofJefns: Chrift ~ _rejoycing th~.t .. ever God drd fend me where they were . then I began to conclude it n1ig~t be fo., t.ba~ . God had owned in his ·Work .fbch a fooiifh one,. asl;audthencam~ that ·Word of God : t0 my heart with· n1uch fweet refrefhment, . That hleffirg ofthem that were re;tdy tb perifh is come upon me·; _yea[ cvutfe.d . the ., lVi:idow.r ..· heart to Jing for joy , Job. . 29 . . I 3.•: 2.76.. At this the.refore I rejoyce_d, y~3, the teal~S of thofe w.hom Goddid awa~en by my 'Preflching, would be.both folace and ,encou-.. ragetnent to me; for I thought on thofe fay– ings., ,Who is he tr~at -ma_keth rne glad, but the f~me that is made ,forry by me? 2 Cor6 1. 2• ..l\nd again, Though I be not an. Ap()ffle to others j'Ct .doubtlefl ·l am unto JOlt for the Seal ofmy, Apojllejht'p areye in tf;e Lord,, 1 Cor. 6. 2.:· There · things therefore were as another Argument. unto n1e that God had calle.dme t~, ~~q ftood , by me in,this v\l ork. 277. In ,my Preaching of. the W·ord, 1 ~ . took fpe~ial notice of this one thing, name.. ly, That the Lord did lead n1e to begin . where his vvord begins with Sinners, that is, to con~em~ ~ll ~~LP1a~~ f~ open a 1 nddal- _e. g~, .