Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

,. fo t/Je Cbief of Si~~~ers~ I 19: }e'Clge, that tbe curfeof God by the Luvv cloth ,.. belong to, and lay hold on, all f\1er,Js th~y co~me into the vVorld, hecaufe of Sh1. No\V this part of n1r Wor]'- I fulfilled with great .. fenfe, for the terrors of the La\y and guilt for tny Tranfgreffions, lay heavy on rny Confcience, l preached what I felt? what. I fmartingly did feel, even that und·er wtlich· my IJoor Soul.did groan and· tremble to afto... , nifhment. , · ·278. !ndeed Ihavebeenas ·o!1e fent to ·– then1 fron1 the dead ;. I went rrty (elf in .. ,Chains to preach to then1 in C!1ains, and ·< carried that Ere in n1y own Cjafcience,that. I perfwaded then1 to -- beware of. l' can truly . fay, and that without diifembling, that when: ; J. have been to preach , T have . gone i'ull of · gn~lt and terrour even to the Pulpit-door, and ·~ there it hath been taken off,· and I have oeen at liberty in my lnind, until I have done my work; and then imtnediately, even before I could get down the Pulpit -ftairs, I have been as had as l was before. . Yet God carried me on, but furely with a ftrong band; for nei– ther Guilt nor -Hell could take m-e off my Work. · 279 Thus /went for the fpace of two years, crying out againft Mens fins, and their fearful ftate becaure of them. After which, the Lord came in upo.n n1y own. Soul with fome ftaid peace and con1fo~t through Chrift; !~r. he did ~i~e !11~ lll~n.y . f!~~~ ~ifc~yeries, . / . ~ 9f