Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

I 30 Gr~1ce A/Jou11ding, ,of his Bleffi~d G'race thorow · him; Whete- · fore no-w 1altered in my Preaching. 1 for ftill Ipr.eached whatJ ,faw and felt) now there– fo,re. I ~- ~ id 1 1 11 t1C~h ~abour to hol~ forth Jefus Cnnft tn a ;l h;s Offices, Re1attons, and Be;. ne·fits unto the World, and did ·ftrive alfo . todiu:over, to condemn, and retnove thofe fJl fe fu pports and'props on whic:h the world · doth both lean., and by them fan and perifh. On thefe things alfo I ftaid as long as on. the other. · · · . · 28o. Afcer this God led me into fome thi ng of the ~1yfrery of the U'ni0n of Chrift; · lvherefore tllJt I difcovered a·1d fl1ewed to them alfo.- And whe n I h·1d travelled through thefe three· chief points .of the Word of God, abou t tbe fpace offive years or n1orc, I was caught in n1y prefent Pra-. · etice, anr-1 caft into Prifon, \VhereJ have lain abo~e as long :1gain to c.; nfi qn the 'fruth _by way ofSuffcrint;'J as I was before in t~rrifying of it, according to the Scri ptnres, in a way of Pr~ :. ching. , . 2.81 . When I have been in Preaching, I -thank God , my heart hath often 1 all t'he time of this and the other exercife with great earneftnr.fs cryed toGod,that he.w·ould m·ake the word effectual to the Salvation of the .Spul ; ftitl being grieved Jeaft the Enemy fhould take the· word away fron1 tl1e Con· fcience, and fo it fhould becon1e unfr.nitful; Wherefore 1 fhould lacour fo to fpeak the Yrord. · As that ~h.er~by ( ~!.i~ ~ere poffi ble