Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to tiH: Chief of Sin;tets~ 131 the Sin and Perfonguilty might be particu– Jariz~d hy it. 222. P:lfo when I havedone the·_ Exercife,- it bath gune to n1y reart, to think tne word fbobld now fall a ~ R.ai non fiony places; ftill wifhing fron1 my l'leart, 0 that they who hc. t'r heard me fpeak this day, did but fee as · I do., what Sin, D·eath, Hel1, and the Cu fe ofGod, is, and alfo what the Grace,, and l.ove, and · Mercy of God is, thorow , Chrift ) to n1en in fi1ch a :cafe as they are, who r: re yet efrranged from him. And in- .deed I did often fay in my -heart before the 'Lord, 7hat if to· be hanged up p1"efently , befoye their E,yc1-a 1Vould be 11 means to awAken . them, .:~nd ron~rm them in the Truth, I glad!J fhvuld be contented. ; 2J. For I nave been in my Preaching, efptcially· when l nave heen engaged in the Dotl:rin of Life by Chrift, without works, as ifnn' Angel ~J Goc hac ftood by at my ·hack to encourat)e n1e ; ·0. it hath been with fuch Power and Heavc ;~ ly Evidence upon my own Soul, whi le r have 1 beeH Jabouring to unfold it, to demou1cr;ate it, and to taften it upon the Confcience of oth<.rs ~ that I could not be con ten ted \I'Vith fay .i11g-, I believ e and am fwre ; methouffht I w.as more then fore ( if it be lnwfnl to ~xprcfs my felf) tha t thofe thi ngs whieh then !. afierted, were true~ · , 2 84. When I wcn.t firft to pr~ach the word abread, Docrors and Priefrs of the Country