1 1 ~ Grace Abou,;dinrJ' ~ 6 Country di.d open '"Nide againfl: me; bnt I was p~r_fw~ded of this., not to render railing f~r rathng., but to fee . how m:tny of their ,carnal Profe.lfors I could con vinee of t.heir n1ife.rable .ftate .by the-, L~w, and of the want aad worth of Chrift; for, thought I, This ]hall aYf_{.rvcr for ?ne in tirJtJe t9 C()n-Jf, when they j1uJ!l be for rny hire before their .face, Gen•. 30·• 33· ' . 285. I never ca~ed to meddle vvith.things. that were ·controverted,_ and , in difpnte amongfr the Sah1ts, efpecially things of the loweft Nature ; yet it pleafed me much to contend with great earneftnefs for the word .of Fait:'h, and the Re£niffion of Sins by the Death and Suffering of Jefi.is. ; .,hut I fay, as to other things, I fhoqld let ;them alone, be~ caufe I faw they engendred ftrife, a~d be– caufe that they n·either in doing-; nor tn lea• ving undone, did comtnend · us tn God to be hb : Befid es, 1 i1~w my Work ·before me did run into another Channel, even to ca.rry an a.wakening wor<i ; to that-therefore did I ftick and adhere. '2~6. I never endeavoured to, no·r durft make ·ufc of, other mens line~, Rom. I 5· IS. ( tb~ugh I coudemn not all that do )_for I verily· thought, and found by exp~nence, . that what was· taught me by the ,Word ~nd Spirit 'of Chrifr, could be fpokeo, ·maintain– ed and ftood to., by th~ fou ndeft and b~!l: eftablifhed ·confcience ; and though I will