Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

tn the Chief of Sin'ffers. I33 . not ·now fpeak all t!,at I know ~ n ti:is mat· ter; yet my experience hath n1ore 1nterefr inthatTextofScrjpture, Gal. I. 11, 12. then many an1ongft men are aware. . .287. Ifany .of tho fewho v\· t.:re aw;akened by my Miniftry., did after that fa11 back, as fometimes too man-y did ) I can truly . fay their lofs hath been more to me, tl1en if one of 11.1y own Children, . begotten of my body, had been going to its Grave; I think verily I may fpeak it \-vithout any offence to the Lord, nothing bath gone fo near n1e as that,_unlefs it was the fear of the ,lofs of , the Salvation of rny own Soul .: I have unted as i.f/ thad goodly Buildings and Lordibips in thofe pl:.1ces \V here n1y Children. were born: My heart bath been fo \Vrapt up in the glory of this excellent- Work, that I counted my felf more blefied and honoured of God by this, than if he had made 1~e the Emperour of the Chriilian .World , or the - ,Lord of all the gloryof the Earth v;ithout it! 0 thefe words ! hre th~tt converteth a Sinner from the · error of his way, doth fave ill SD11l from Deaih., Ja111. ) . 2 o . The fruit of the .Righteous., is a 'Tree ofLije ; ~'f.nd he that win,~ neth _Souls., is wtfe, Prov. I L ·3o. they . that .be wife, fha!l fhine as ihe brightnejs of the Fir· mament, and they-that turn rnany to · Righteouf– .nefs., as the Stars far ever and ever, Dan. 12. 3· F~r what ts our hope, or joy., or crown, of rejoy• ,npg? are n~·t even ye in the prefonce of -our Lord·