· I 34 Gra:~ Abounding L~rJ 1efit rC~r~(t ·.-u /;is coming? for,· ft 4 re tJur :;lory {lN e-1 ;oy, i l h~f. 2. 19, 2Q. Thefe I fay, with rha ~y others of alike nature 1 ha~e beeugrea t refrefbn1ent~ to me. 228.1 ha vc ob!erved, That wh~re I h:tve had a W'ork ~o do for God, I have had firfi: as it were the going qf G<?d upon my Spirit to de fire I might prcl~ch- ·there :I have alfo obferved, that fuch and fuch Souls in particular have been frrongly fet upon my heart, and I frirred up to wifh for their Salvation; and that thefe very Souls ha,ve, after this, been given in as the ftlllts of my Miniftry. I have obferved, th~ t aword eait in by the by hath done more e_Jecuq?n in a Sermon the11 all was fpoken be.fides : ·Sornetimes alfo when I have thought I did no g9od, then I did moft of aiJ ; and at .other times when ' l thought I Ihould catch. then1,) ·have fifhed for nothing, . · 289 I have alfo obferved, that w-here there hath been a "'rork to do uro1 Sinnrrs, · then~ the Devil hath begnn to roar in the he~rts, and hy the months ofhis Servants. Yea cfter~~ in1es- vrhen ttre \J\1 icked \VorlJ h~th raged rnoft, there hath been Souls aw1kened by""' the word = ~ 1 c.ould inftance parti-culars,_ bat I forbear. · .2r;:o. _l\1y ~reat deur:e .in.t~Y fulfilling my M1niilry, wa~, to get tnto tne darkeft places, of the · Conntry, even amongft thofe people ~h~1 t vv ere fLtrthcf~- off of profeiiion ; yet not · b