Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to thr1 Chiefof SiiJ?lers. I.J; becanfe l could not end11re the Ligh · ((or I feared not to ·(hew my Gofpel to any ) but becaufe l found my Spirit did lean rroft · nf– ter awakening and converting work., and the Word that I carried did lean it felf n1oft that way alfo ; )'ed, fo have /. jlrtved,to rreach the Gofpel, not where Chrift was named, le~tft I foould build ~tpon anothfr m~-1.ns Foundation.,. Rom. 1 5· 20.' · . 191. In my preaching:, I have re ~·dly been in pain., and have., as it were, travelled to bring forth Children to God., neither could I be fati~fied., unle t's fou1e f1uits did nppc:1r in my work: If I were frnitle() it mattered not who commended n1e; hnt it I were fruhfu -1 , 1cared not wbo-did conden1n. I have thought of that L_o,Children are an lier.'tage of the Lord ~tnd the fruit of the tvomb is hjs rew.ird. As Ar– rows in the hand oj' a mi.,ghty Jdan~ fo are CIJil– ,dren of the Youth. Happy is the Man th. ..tt b11th piled his .§2!tiverfull~~ them; they jlM/l not be A– j1M1ned, but they Jhall freak rP~rh the EtltrtJies in' the G:t t e, P1a1. I 2 7· 3~-1 i 5• , 292. It pleaif:d me nothing to fee people drink in . Opinions, if they feetned ignorant bf J~fus. Cbritr, and he worth of their o·wn Salvation, found conviction for Sin, efpecial– for Unbelief, ~nd an he;1rt fet on fire to be ave hy Chri fr, wi th fh·ong breathing after t tQ.:y C n~tified Sou l: l"hat it was that de– ligt-Hed me 1 thofe were the Souls I countt:cl bk.fied. .. ~'- · : ;~ 293.But