I 36 Grf!ce ..tL?orJ;-;JinJ, 293.But in tL1is work, as in all other I had . l. ? my temptat1on ·attenu1ng me, and that ofdi· vers kind s,as fon1etLnes 1Ihordd be a.flaulte~ vv ith great difcoun~getnent therein ; fearing: that I ibould not be able to fpeak a word at all to ed ific:nion :, nay, that I fhould not b~ ab~e to ,rpeak fenfe -unto the people; at which tln1es r lhon]d have fuch a ftrange faintnefs and ft·rengthlef:1efs feize upon my .. body 1 that ,nJy legs have fcarce been able to carry 1ne tp the place of Exercif'e. ' 294~ Son1etin1es ag~in, vvhen I have been preaching, - I have hcen violently af1aulted with thotlghts of Blafphemy, and ftrol~gly tempted to fpea~ the \Vord with my mouth before the Congregation. I have alfo a t fome time, even w.hen I have begun to fpea~ the wordwith rnuch clearnefs?evrdence r.nd liber.. ty of fpeech, yet been betore the ending of that Opportu.ni'ty, f:0 blinded., and foefl:rang– ed froln the thi ugs I have been fpeaking, and ha~e alfo been fo frrained in n1y fpeach, as to . utterance before ,the people, that I have heen as if I had not known or retnembred what I11ave been about, or as if my head ha~ been in a bag gll the time of the Exerdfe. · .. 295· .Again, \Vhen at -fometitnes · I have been abou~ to preach upon -._fome fmart and fearching portion of the word, 1have found " theTen1ptcr fuggcft.,what! wiltyouPreach this? ?Jhi.s condemns your _(elf, of thi.J your ~wn so:d is quilty, wherefore pteaehnot of it at all, or ifyou ~ -