Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to the Chief of Sinne~s. 137 tfo, yet fo mince it., .as t,o make way _for _}'OUr GWn ~e(cave? left injfcad of awt:}~ening others) you lay tha;guilt uponyour orrm Soul, asJO'tt l'Vill never get from ttnder. , 29.6. Bur, I thank the L.c;:rd, I have been kep fro1n confenting to thefe fo horrid fng– grHions, and bave. rather,as Sarnpfon, bowed my felf with ~ll n1igbt to cor.1den1n Sin and Transgrellio_n,whcrever I found it~ yea though therein alfiJ 1 did bring guilt upon tiiy own Confcience; Let nu die, thoughfl, whh the Philif!ia71s, Juo'g.·I6 29 .3 o . rather then deal co.rruptly Vtith the b1c.H{>d Word of God; Thou th{lt tetichrft anotl:;er ., teachefl ti.Jou not tky filf? It is far better that thou do judg th} ielf, even by preaching pl(ti nl y r·nto others, than that thou,to fave thy felt imprifon the Truth in Unrighteonfn~fs ·: Blelied be God for ~his he1p alfr~ in this. · 297. 1have alft>,·\\rhilc found. in this hie– fed work of Cbrifr, been often tempted to pride ahd lifting up of t-Je~rt; and though / . dare not iay.Jhave not been affed:ed with' this, yet truly th'e Lord of his pretious n1ercy hath .- fo carried it toward me, that for the n1oft part I have had but fma11 joy to give way to fuch a thing: For it bath been n1y every days pcrtion to let into the evil ofmy O\VU Heart, 'and ftfll n1ade to fee ,fuch a mu1titude of Cor– ruptions and Infir1nities therein, that it bath eaufed hanging do~vn of , the head under all my Gifts and Attain1nents ;il have felt' this . -· 'Ihorn - ' '