Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

I 38 . Grace A!Jount!ing - Thorn in the Flefh (2 Cor. 12. 8,9.) the very Mercy qf God to me. 298.! have had alfo together with this fome notable place or ~othe r of the word prefen– ted before me, which word hath "contain– ed in it forne fharp and piercing Sentenc--e concerning the perifhingof theSoul,notwith.. ftanding gifts and part~; as for inltanc~~ that llath been.of great ufe unto n1e, 1...hough I[peak -, with the Tongue of Men and,Angt)ls, and have not Charity, 1am become a.r founding brafs, and ~t tinklinp: Cymb~Sl, I Cor 23. r, 2. 299· Atinkling Cyrnbal, is an Inftrument of Mufick with which a ski1fu1 Player can tn~ke fuch melod1ous and heart ... inflaming Mufick.,that ·all who hear hiln play can fcarce– ly hold fr~1n ~anc!ntj ; . and yet behold, the Cyn1bal bath not Ltf~,neHher comes the Mo•.- ., fick ·frorn it; .bu-r becau{e of the Art of him that plays therewitb,fo then tbe!nftrument at laft n1ay come to naught and perifb,~hongh in .tim~s pail: fuchiv1ufick hat•~ been rnad ~:'npon it. ' · 300. · Juft thus, I faw it was and will be with the1n wbo ha\ e Gift<>, but vvant iaving· , · Grace; they are in the h;ind of C(lrifr, as the Cymbal · in the hand of Da~vid; and aS . David could with the Cyrr.bfll n1ake that · Mirth in 4 the Sery ice of God, as to Elevate the hearts of the \A/orfuippc·rs, fo Chr=ft can ufe t!tefe g~ft~d 1-nen, as ~ith. th:~m to affeB: the Souls or Ius People 111 his ch :J ~ eh; yet -. when he hath dcne ~11, hang them b , a~