Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

to the Chief ofSi»ntr!~ .- I 2. But God did not utterly leaven1e,b~t ·. followed me ftiU, not nowwith Convittions, "but Judgm~nts; yet fuch as were mixed with Mercy.For on'ce I fell into a Crick of theSea,: and hardly efca.ped drowning .Another tim.e~. I fell out of a Boat into Bedford' River, but:· Mercy yet pre(erved me alive:-·Befides, ano• ther time, being in the Field with one of nr)' Cotnpanic:>ns,it chanced·that an Adder paffed over theHigh-way; fo I,having a.Stick in my Hand, ftruck her over the B~ck; and hawing ftun'd her, I forced Of)en her Mouth with my Stick and plucked her _Sting,out with myFin– gers; by which AB: bath not God been nier;.. cifol to n1e,l might,by mydefperatenefs have.. brought my f~lf to mine End. 13. This alfo I have taken notice of, with-· Thankfgiving; wlien I was a Souldier,I,wit~ others, were drawn out to go to fuch a place to.befiege itJ; but when I was juft ready to go,.. one of theCompanydefired to go inmy room;_ to which, when I had confented, he took my Ptace ; and coming to the Seige, as he ftooct' Sentinel, he wa-s !hot into the Head.with a . · ·Musket-bullet, and diecl. " --- 1 4· Here, as I faid·, were Judgtnents and· M.ercy, but neither of them did awaken my Soul toRighteoufnefs;wherefore1finned ftill., . and grew more and more Rebellious againft God, and carelefs of mine own Salvatiotl-' -_ , 1 5· Prefently after this,I changed my.Con.: ~i!io~ !~. tq ~. ~~£~~~~ ~!ape, ~~~ ~y Merc·y~ · wa~ > ' ...