Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

140 (jrAc~ -.A/Jounding .. ·. · 3C3.·. ~his ,fhew,ed me too,.th~f giftsl>eing, alone~ · ~ere ·dange,roU;s, not in thenifelve's ·· but becaufe of th~fe_evils th.a.t'at'ten~ .· the~ that have .them, tow i~, pride, d,efire ·of v.aitt glory, felf con.ceit,. lSc. all ' whic·h ;w~ere eali~ ly blown up at .the _applauie 'arid comm~n· .. ' dation of every· unadvife~ <;;hriftian~ . t6 the. endangering of a poor Greature·to fall into the condemnation of the Devil. .· · ) ; \ 304·. I (a.w therefore . that ·he · that bath 4 gifts had need be let into a·fight of the ria- ' ture .of them? to wi~ -!ha~ they ~otn~:, ~o~t· ~.r; making of hJm to be)n a truly fav~d condi– tion, left he re~ in them, and fo fal~ . fuort of the Grace ofGod.· · · ·· 3o5.· He .ha~h alf:-:> caufe to w~1~k .humbly . ·with God; and be little in his .own Eyes, anq ·to rementber withal, that his Gifts are not. his own, but the Churches,and that by them ·he is made aServant to th,e Cl,1urch, and he . muft .alfo give at lafl: an .account o~ his Ste– wardfhip unto the Lord Jefus, a'nd .to give a good account,'wiH be a ble~ed, ,t,h~ng ! . . 3'o6. Let all men theref~,}re, prize ahttle , ,w.ith the fear of the Lord .(Gifts indeed ar~ , defirable) but yet great Gra.ce and fmall gifts are better then · great gifts and no c;:race• . 'It doth not :fay, - the Lord gives. Gifts and . · Glory, but the Lord gives Grac~ ~nd Glor.Y, and bleffed is fuch an one; to whotn the Lord gives Grace, true 'Grace, for that is a ·certain . · fartru~ner o~ Glory. '