Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

. . to the Chief of Sinnerr. t 41 · 307. But ,'w~en S~tan pcrceiv.ed that his thus temptin~ and . affau~ti~g of me would not anfwer hts defign ; to w1t, toov.erthrow my Miniftry, and make.it. ineffcetual as to the ends thereof: Then he tryed another way which was to ftir up. the minds of the igno– rant, and malicious, to load me with fianders .~nd reproaches;now therefore I ma-y fay, That wha·t the Devil could devife, .and hb i Iflru– ·:ments ;in-vent., was .whirled up and d~wn the ·GauntrY. aga·inft' me, th~nking, ·~s 1fai~, .that ·by that means they fhou.ld 'make my Mtndl;ry to be abandoned. · . 3o·8. It began therefore to"be rumoured up .and down an1ong the People, tha~ I. was a Witch, a . jefuit, a High-w~y-n1an, f!nd the ·like. . . · 309. To all which, I fhall only fay, God ~nows that I atn innocent. But as for mine accufers, let them provide themfelves to meet n1e before the Tribunal of tbe Son of God, there to anfwer fo-r all th~f.e things (with all t~e reft of their lniquities ). unlefs God fha11 gtve t·h~m Repentance for then1; for the which lpray with all rpy heart. · · ' · 31 o. But that which was reported with the bolde~ confidence,was, that I had my Mjfos, my Wnores, m_Y Baftards, yea, two Wives At :once, and the hke. Now thefe flanders (witlt the other) I Glory in b.ecaufe but ilanders foolHh, or knavifu lies and falfuoods cafl: up·a~ me by tQ~ Devil and his Seed, _and iholild I · , G 2- - n<>~