titheChiefof SbJntrs. . 14} finefs .to affirm any of the things aforenamed of me namely, that I have been naught with other ~ Wom~n , or the like. When they have ufed to the utmoft of their endeavours, and made the fulleft enqpiry that they ~an to prov.e againft rile truly, that tl1ere ts any ( Wornan in Heaven, or Earth,or Hell,that can -ray,that I have at anytime in any place,by day or night, fo much as atteQ1pte~ to be naught 'Vith them, a~d fpeak l thus, to beg utine Enemies in.to a good eft~em ~fme: No,not I : I .wi\1 in this b.eg belief of no man : believe, or dis~~lieve me in this, all i? a caf~ ton1e. · 3 I 5· My Foes ~!lve. rriifttheir· mark in this their fuouting .at n1e.l am not the man, I wifu that they themfeJves be gu iltl~f~~ if all .the, Fornicators and Adulterers in EiJ2L1.nd were hang'd by the l~eck, . fill they be dead, _ 1ahn liunyan, the Objett of their Envy, would be fti ll a 1 ive ·and weU ; I kno•v not whether there be fuch a thing as a \Voma·n bree!thing nn~er the Copesoftpe whole I"ieaven, but by th~ir Apparel, their Children.,or by commo11 ·Fame, ex.cept my Wife. ·, . . 3 t6. And in th~~- l ..ad,cpit;~ 'the wHdom of God,that he made ~~:~~t:t. 1 pfv~;R111en frommy fir!t Converfion un~~I po~y.. 1 ~T_tlple know, an<! · can alfo bea; ~~7 ~ptg~(s, ~YV. lt.q ;; whom I have been ~~ft _ tn~t9J~.f~~¥d f.PP.~erned, that it is a rare thtng t~ fee .meJ;.arry. It pleafant towards a wornan;the common Salutation-ofa woman · 1abhor7 'tis odious· to me-in whon1foever i · G 3 fee