Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

- '!:44, · f!i.race. AJounrli.ng ~ · .. .fe~ it. . Their .Company alorie I; cannotaway \VIth. I feld'om fo tnuch as touch a womans Han9, 1 for ·.I t~ ink thef~ things are'n·ot fo be: co'n~ Hl~ me.When l ~ave feen good M-en falute thofe \/Votnen that they have vifited, or that have vifited them) I have at times made my Objecri9~ : againft it, and when they have anfwcred that it was,' but il pi~ce of Civility, l have told them it is not a comly fight : Sorne indeed have urged the holy kifS, but then I have a?ked why they madebaulks, why .. the-y did.{alutc tpe moft _handfom,and let the in favon~d . go·; ihus ·how laudable foever fuch thing? have. been in.the Eyes ofothers, -they have .been unfc~miy iri my J1ght · ·3.1 7.And novv fo~r a wind un in this mat'ter, 1 calling not only, .Men but _t\ r gels to proye n1e guilty of ha vi~g .ca·rnally to .do with ~ny Woman fave my Wife, I nor am 1 - afr~id ~o do it a fecond time, knowing that it :ca~not offend the Lo: r~ jn ft1ch cafe, to ca l~ :God for a Record ~f)~n o1y Soul, that in:. thefe things I am innocent. Not that 1have been t!~us kept, bec..aufe of ·:any go3dne(s: in me }~lo r e. the;J in any other, but God has been 1nerc1ful t~ me and has kept me, to whom1 .p ray thJt he will keep me ftiJl,not only from .. thi~: qut from every evil way ~p.d ·work~..and l pref~rve m.e t9 his heavenly Kin.gdotn. .Amen. 3 r 8; N~'v as Satan laboured by reprq li.cheS ~nd fianders to' make me vile an1ong my ~ountry_men, that, . itI?Offible, mypreachin ·