Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

i46 ~ Grac~ A~oundiHg ·. te CDnform.So being againdelivered up to the Goalers hands,I was had home to Prifon and there have lain now cornpleat twelve years, waiting to fee what ·God will fuffer thefe men to do with me. · 32. t; In which condition I have continu:d· with much content through Grace, but have met with many turnings and goings upon my Heart, both from the Lord, Satan and my ownCorruption; by all which (glory be to]efus Chrift ) I have alfo received among m.any things, much~ convittion, lnftrnltion and Underftanding, of which at large I fhall not here difcourfe ; only give you in a hint or two, a word that may ftir up the Godly toblefs 'God,ar.t4.:topray fo,r me 1a~d alfot.o ' take encouragement, fhguld the cafe be then· own,Not to fear what Mttn can do unto them. 322./ never had in all my life fo great an Jn.-· let into the Word ofGod as now: Them Scri• ptur~s that 1faw nothing ~n before,are mad,e ·. 111 tlus place and.ftate to flune upon me; Jefus . Chrift alfo Yl as never more real and ' apparent then now ; here I have feen him and felt him indee(}_: 0 that wcrd, We have .net preached *ntoJot-t cunningly, dev~'{cd Fables, 2 P~t. I. 16. And·that, Gad raifod Chrift from the Dead; ~tnd ·ga~e himGlory, th.at }tJHr Faith ~nd Hope might be 1n God, I Pet.r.2. were bleffed Words unto me in this my itnprifoned Condition. . 323· Thefe three or four 5cript~res alfo have beengtea~ refrefument in this condition, . tO