Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

· Gr,ace abounding ' w~s, to light upon aWife,whofe Father was counte<tl godly: This \"(oman and I, though we came together as poor as poor might be, {not having fo much houfhold-ftuffas a Difu . or Spoon betwixt us both) yet this fhe had for llerpart,The Plain Man's Path wat to Hfaven, andThe Practice ofPiety,whi<th her Father had left her, when he died. In thefetwo Books I fuould fometimes read with her, wherein I alfo found fome things that were fomewhat pleafing to me; (but all this while I met with no Conviction.) She alfo \vould be often tel– ling of me, what a godly Man her Father was, And how h·e WfJuld repro·ve and cor.rect Vice~ both :in h-is h~oufe,and amongjf his Neighbours; what A flri& and holy Life he lived in his Days, both .J ·in Word and Deed. · x6.Wheretore thefe Books,with this Rela. tion, tho they did not reach my"Heatt, to a– \Vaken it about my fad and finful St~te, yet theydid beget within me fome defires to Re– ligion : So that,becaufe I knew no better,! fell in very eagerly vvith theReligion of the times; to ·wit 1 to~ go to Church twice a day, and that too wt~ the forernoft;and there fheuld very devoutly, both fay and fing as others did, yet retainingmywicked Life:But withal, I was fo over..run with theSpirit of Superftition,that I ador'd,and that wi_th great devo.tion ,even ·all things (both the High Place, Pri~fb, Cle~k, Vefhnents, Service, andwhat elfe)belonging to the C~urch ;.counting all things holy,that , . -- -·~···· ·- -. ···-~- -- ·-- . were- · ... .