Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

I If.lt :.; · · ·Glace A!JounJing·; ~ · that fayiog ;·The H{)(Y Gh~ft witnejfeth in ti'Jery City~t, ha~ -Bonds and .AJJliEtions abide me; I 'have verily·thouglH,rhat n,y Sou~ and,it,have fom.e.~ thnes reafoned about the fore and fad. efrateo.f aBanifhed andExiled Condition., ho\t\7. they.·ate expofed to Hunger, to ·co.ld;, to· Perils,:.. . to Nakednefs, toEn.emies··;· and~ a thoufand .. Ca.. . -Ia·initi.J~; arid at Jaft it ·-1~nay be to die .inaOitch .Jike a poor forlorn anddefolate ~heep.- Elut.I" · thank .God hitherto I have not ., been n1oved ·by thefe mo!l: delicate ·reafi)fiings., but have f:i-th·er by ·then1 lTIOre~ approved UUY, rJe.irt tO". God. ··, ; · , · . · ·: , ·334•·, I will;tel/. you.1ofa prety ~ bujiri"efs; l was ~ one·: above a/l .the.Ptft-,· in a very fad arid. low:·. , -CondiriolJ for many:·. JVe'eks, a't ;·which tirtie· aLJo ,; 1beingbut a·yo:-tng ,Pr~ifoner.; ~nd ·not -~acquainted' · with•the Law:r·; had thi.slay -much upon my. Spirit; · ·thrtt my Imprifonin·ent m:gh:t encl at .the Gallows · for oug~t - that I. could.~ tell; :n-o-w. ther~forc S.atan ) ·lay hard :at :rnc to ·bear -me ·CUt .,i()f·. heart, by. ·fitggej/i11g.fht/s Jfn(o me, .~ But howJfwhen we :come indeed to dte,yo~tt.Jhovtldbe·in this~ Co.ndi~ion ·; ~h,4t · ir., as n'Ot' iofov(}ttr:,.the things ·of GfJd, nor ro .have v.tJy.;E1Jidenceupcmyot-tr ·Soul'for 4 betterflate here– ajter? (jorJndeed t~t that time', all the ·things _of . Godwere hid from my Soul•. ) , . · 335~ Wherefore:-when l at ftrft began to thin~ J • . ofthis it was ·of a ·great ·.troftble ·t·o me ·: for I : thought with .my{elf, :that .in the Crfndition,' l ·norrtwas in 1 I was not fir to die, neitherin~eed di4 · think.IC9JIId ,if I jhqH/dt be. _ ,~&/led. to ,;it ~ BcfiqeJ, . ' ... ... - --