t-u the-:.:cJ;ief· of· S1nne~¥s~ l J -5 l . I thought with mjfolf;,~tflfhou!tl .make·afcram~Un'-~ jhift to cl~mber up the Ltt.d.der, yet I fl~ou~d' l?tt~er· w 1 th quaktng .or other. , fymptorns (}f fatntzng /gvoe ~ccafion to the Enemy to ·reproach the ·way of God; · andhis:Ptople, .fpr -.their Timoroufnefs. This there- .fore lay wzthgreat trouble upo-n-·.me, jor-- methought··· .– ·1 was afoamtd tb.. dic".with· a·pale Fdc e, -. an:d · tot• t. tering l(neeJ,jor-{uc'h 4 Cttfe as this. 3 36. Wherefore I pray'd to 6o__d that he woull · · . .co.mforime~ ·~ andgive mejlrength·to ··dc and foffe:r· · what hej1Jo~tld' ca!J me to.,cyet. nD- ~omfort appear' a·· all continued hid : I was af[o·at · tlJis.time fo re"ll-.. ~ ly .poffej{ed'wJ.th the ·~houg~t of death..that ~{t I tva-.r .. as if I WAS on· a, Lt~dder with the Rope ·about . my·- ,· Nick ; only this riJa; fome encourag-ement to me, · 1 thought Imight now have ~en opportunity to [peak . \ my li!ft ·words to a mult#ud~ rvbich I thought ·· wo!tl.J ··. come t() fee 71J.C _:die; llUd th:negh~ I if ::.i'r ; ·mz~lf· be _(o, ifGod will but ·c-onvert one Soul bl· my ,'/ . 11ei'y /aft words ,: I jnall not ·count my· Life l:l:Jrown .: a·w.ay,. nor loft~ . · · 33-7· ·· -:But yet all .the things .· of Go4· were · · kept out of my fight, anti. ftill the ··temptet· fol!owed me with, B.ttt · whether-mujl you .·go "· :when you die·?fVhat will.bec~'!le ofyou ?Where·will. :_ ·yo~ befound in another ·Wo14ld? ·What evidence . ha·ve you for I1eaven an:d Glory, and anlnheri– ·· t'tlnce- among· them that .: are fanctified? rhus 1was· toffe.d for ma.nyWeeks, and knew \JOt . what .. to ' .do; at laft this confid·eration fell . with weight upon··me;Thilt it was for .the .roord t~nd WilY,.: pf GQd·thllt . I Will _· in~this Condition, - -- - ·- -- - - - - -- - ... - . · whtrefote