Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

'I·62. Grace A!Jo~tnding banging ov-er our Heads, fct' ._our Sins, and T·eady to break ..ttpon us, and tbat ·the Nini– vites R~tne,dy \vas now. highly neceffary: Hereu,pon · he gathered h1s .Congregation at Bedford, where he .mofily hved, and had 'li– ved, and had fpent the greateft part of his Life; and there being n? convenient place to be had for the Entertainment of fa great a Confluence·of PeoJ?le as foll.o~ed him, up. on the Account ofh1s Teachtng, he confi1l- _ted with then1, for Building a Meeting Houfe · to which they made their Voluntary Contri– butions, with all chcarfulnefs ' and alacrity, and the firft time he appeared there to Edi-·. fie, the place was. fo thronged, that many- ··was conftrained to fray without, though the Houfe was very fpacious every one ftriving to partake of his Inflrucrions, that were ~f his perfwafion; and Ihow their good will towards him, by being prefent a~ the opening t&e Place, and here he lived in much Peace and quiet of 1\1ind, contenting himfelf with . that little God had befiowed upon him and fequeftering hin1felffrom all fecular imploy· ments, to follow th~t of his Call to t~e Miniftry, for as God faid to Mofes; he th~t made the Lips and Heart, can give Eloquence . and Wifdom, without extraord~nary acquirements in an Univerfity, · ·. During thefe things there were R~gulators fent into all Cities and Towns Corporate, to new model the .G~v~rnriient in the . · ~a . • , >