Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

·164 Grace ~bounding · Thus he fpent his latter years in imitation of his great Lord aud Mafter, the . ever~ blef– fed / jefus; ·He \~ent a~o_ut doingr: ~ood, fo · ·that the n1oft prying Cr.tuck, or even Malice ller relf is defied to find -even upon the nar– roweft frarch_or o~fervation a-ny fully or ftain upon his Reputation, ~vith which he;. xnay be juftly charged ; and this we note as ' a challer.rge to thofe that have had the leaft :regard for _hi~1, or them of his .Perfwafion, . and ha~e one way or enher appeared in .· the Front ot thofe that oppreffed hirr; and for the ·turning wLlofe hearts in obedi– ence· to the Comtnillion and Cornmandn1ent .given hin1 of ·God ; he frequentlY Pt~ ayed, arul iometimes fought a Eleffing for the1;1~ ~ven with tears, the eifeEts of wbkh they may . IJ~radventure., though undefervedly l1ave found in their Per fons, Friend8~ Rela~ tio.ns or .Efiates ; for God will hear .the Praye-r of the Faithful, and Anfwer them, even for thofe that vex them :.t;s it happened .in the Cafe of ;fob~s praying for . ~ the three , Perfons that .bad been grif vcus in their reGII' · _proa'b agai!~ft hin:9 even in tb~ ~ay of hJs forrow ~ E1:1t yet let rn~ con~e_a J~.~tle 11,eater . to parucular~, znd penods .ot tHrH: _fer the better refrt fl1111g the rr~e1nonts of . ~bofe tbat Itnew bis Labour at~d Sr.fi"t rin~ ; and for the iatis(altionof an that fuall ft'iid . this50t)l<. Aft~r be was ftnfibly 'onviCl~d of the , 1Ai,·kcd State ®f hi$ Lif~, JU~d cv!lY€rttd; b~ .... , ,