Bunyan - PR3329 G1 1692

. to the _Chief' of Sh~ners. · 16<' ·he was Baptized into the Congregation, and adtnitted a IV1ember thereof, viz.. · in the v~ear y6') ,. and becan1e fpeedily a very zealous Ptofe_ff~r ; but upoi1 the Return.of King Charles to the· Crown I 66o. He was on the twelfth of November taken, as he was Edifying [orne good People, that were got together, to hear the Word, and ·confined in Bedford Goal,for · the fpac~ of fix Years, till the At! of Indulgeoce to Diff~nters being · allowed., he obtained his Freedotn, by the Interceffion of fome in Truft and Power that took Pity on his fufferings; but within fix Years afterwards, he was again taken up, 'tJiz... in the Ye1r 1666. and ~was · then con– fined for fix: .Years more, . when even the · Goller took fuch Pity .of his rigorous Suffer– ings ; that he did as the 'Egyptian qoaler did to 7ofeph, put all the care and truft into --. his Hands : Whtnhe was taken this laft time, he \Vas Pre~ching on thefe Words, viz.,. Doft – thott believe the S.on ofGad ; and this lmpri– fonnlent continued fix Years; and when this w:as over, another fhort affiicrion, which was an Im·prifontnent of half -a Year fell to his . fl1are : during tbefe confinements, he wrote thefe following Books; viz... Of Prayer hy .the Spirtt; The Holy Cities Refurreflion· ; Grace Abounding ; Pilgrims Progrcfs - tjl· P.art. In the laft Year of his twelve ·Years Im• prifonment, t~1e PaLl:or of t:te Congregation . . H 2J ... at·